What does it mean to be tech-savvy?  Is it creating a macro in Excel?  Is it even knowing what a macro IS in Excel?  IT ISN’T!  

Being tech-savvy is an attitude – a willingness to learn and grow while using technology.  When we hear “I’m not tech-savvy”, all we hear is “I’ve pretty much given up on life and am not willing to learn anything new”.  

When faced with a problem, someone who is tech-savvy finds a solution or asks for help from someone who knows more. Someone who isn’t tech-savvy just throws up their hands and says they will do it the old, slow way…then curls up in a ball. 

Taking the time to learn new things can drastically help you quickly see the health of your business. Here are several examples:

  • CRM – This is the bare minimum and a must-have to track your clients and transactions. 
  • Accounting Software – This is a basic tool for knowing your income and tracking expenses.  You can’t know the health of your business without knowing your numbers.
  • Graphics – Even the most basic package or app can make your social media posts look better and draw more attention
  • Video – Understanding the basics of video and editing will help you create better home tours.
  • Excel – The world is about data and the data you need isn’t always in the format you need. Learning the basics of Excel will help you dig deeper and learn more
  • Shortcut keys. Learning the little things about how your computer works can make you faster in performing any task.  Control-C, X, V for copy, cut and paste is a minimum.  The options are endless.
  • Mouse – Using the trackpad on your laptop is more convenient when packing your bag for the coffee shop but a mouse can give you the extra flexibility to be quicker and get that job done.
  • Other – Password storage, notes, cloud storage, mileage tracking apps, etc. The sky is the limit to how technology can make you more efficient in your business.

We want agents who are tech-savvy – either who have the knowledge to master their computer or have the desire to do so. If that is you – give us a call!

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