Your real estate career requires consistency and discipline. It is the small things done extremely well over time that lead to the tremendous business you continue to build. It is being a professional. Writing exceptional contracts. Handling emotional and tough situations with grace and truth. Building, maintaining, and managing a pipeline of prospective clients to produce reliable, high-level results.

And if you want to be a great top producer, it is a little like drinking through a fire hose and running the 800-meter sprint at the same time if you do not establish methods of consistency and discipline. (The 800-meter sprint is the hardest race in track and field, according to some. It is a half-mile race run flat out, top speed.)

WELCOME TO THE INDUSTRY…if you’re looking for long-term success:


There are no shortcuts or silver bullets for success in this business. No matter what path you take to continue to build your business, whether through referrals, open houses, spinning a sign on a street corner, or online lead generation, you will need to push extremely hard to produce consistent, reliable results.


There is a geometric effect of results achieved from the effort put forth. It will take a little time before the seemingly insignificant activities seem to produce results, but once they do, and they will, they will become an unstoppable force. Your business will have achieved momentum such that the only thing that will get in its way, is you.




We are exposed to it all the time. Shinier/faster car, hotter body, bigger house. Forget for a moment that we intuitively know those things don’t create happiness. What’s fundamentally wrong with big ideas is the pervasive lack of awareness that it’s the little things, done well AND consistently over time, that lead to the big result.


I know you don’t want to hear it. We are an instant gratification society. But the sooner you

acknowledge, accept, and appreciate the truth, the sooner life might start to make sense. The sooner you might feel like you are actually in control of your outcomes. It will no longer be a question of “why do I continue to experience “these” things in my life?” That will be replaced by a better question, “What fundamental activity is most important to achieve what I want next?”


I’M A BIG IDEA GUY. I can daydream with the best of them, and I even find myself challenged with expecting the results now. Maturing has led me to understand it is daily discipline – the right daily discipline – that leads to not only tremendous but sustainable results.


THAT’S WHY YOUR FIRST DOMINO IS SO IMPORTANT. Your first domino represents the first choice and the first action toward a particular destination. A domino has the power to knock over another domino 1.5 times its size. If you line up only 57 dominos, each 1.5 times greater than the one before, starting with a normal-sized domino of two inches tall, the 57th domino will stretch from the earth to the moon, 2 inches to 250,000 miles in 57 dominos. That’s a LOT of power, size, and impact, starting small.


The point is, dream big, think big! But, act by starting with the most important, consistently applied action and DO IT EVERY DAY, DO IT EVERY DAY, DO IT EVERY DAY. The compounding effect, the geometric progression of small things done daily, starts out with almost unnoticeable impact but soon becomes such a powerful force in your life such as to profoundly transform it in any way you choose.



  • saving a few bucks from every check into a savings account and not touching it
  • working out 15 minutes every day or meditating every morning
  • writing one note and mailing it
  • one comment of gratitude and appreciation that overtime profoundly impacts people



Trust your intuition and decide this time you are sticking with it. Don’t quit on the activity.

You already know what that one, little, most important thing is you aren’t doing.



In this industry, it is your job to get out of bed every day. It is your job to follow your business plan. It is your job to make your calls, do the open houses, and diligently follow up with prospective clients and all of the other small, daily disciplines that will create results.


It is your job to decide and remind yourself that you want success in this business enough to do what it takes.


We’ll be your coach and show you how to run, but you’ll either run or you won’t.