Well, I can’t answer that question exactly since I’m not a practitioner but last week I hosted a Feng Shui Workshop at one of my favorite stores, the Peace Cellar on South Broadway. If you haven’t been there, you should check it out- it is set up with Feng Shui in mind as well! The certified practitioner who led the workshop was Lorrie Webb Grillo from Thriving Spaces- https://www.thrivingspaces.com/. The art of Feng Shui is the intentional establishment of your space that balances work, play, and rest. Does your space support you or does it stifle you? Is your space an expression of who you are, your personality, your goals and dreams? These are such interesting questions- ones that I asked myself during the workshop.

I am excited to incorporate the principles of Feng Shui, including the Five Elements and the Bagua Map to stage homes to sell as well as to plan my own space after our renovation is complete. Those who fix and flip homes should really consider a workshop as well- no wonder I feel cold when I walk into them- there is rarely expression of the Five Elements. And it doesn’t need to be complicated- many times Feng Shui can be accomplished by moving existing items like rugs, changing up throw pillows, purging items that no longer serve you. These baby steps can be liberating and transformational…just enough of a push to move the needle in your business, get closer to loved ones, inspire, and enlighten.

I wanted to share the library of blogs from Lorrie and Thriving Spaces. Feng Shui can extend to your office/business space, your landscaping, and your home. Check out the one about Feng Shui in your home office (I need this one myself!) and the one on staging your home to sell- the Feng Shui way. You may find others that resonate too- enjoy! https://www.thrivingspaces.com/blog/