December found us treated to the next installment in the Star Wars saga with Star Wars: The Force Awakens, which turns out to be a very apt name. The movie has beaten all box office records with revenue of $812 million in less than four weeks. And that is just what it has done in the United States!

It kind of reminds us of the metro Denver real estate market. It too is setting all time records. With market data for December now available, it’s official that 2015 gave us all time highs:

    • The number of homes changing hands was 59,624 … an all time high.


    • The average price of a single-family home was $398,044 … an all time high.


    • The average price of a multi-family home was $258,492 … an all time high.

Here’s a bit more info showing how those numbers compare to 2014:

The numbers above are for homes handled by real estate agents through the metro Denver MLS system. It does not include homes that sold privately without the involvement of agents and does not include any new homes sales.

You can see more extensive info on the single family and multi-family segments of the market by clicking on the links at the end of this post. Be sure to take a peek.

If you like the look of those reports, we can produce one for you that is specific to your zip code and property type. The market is not uniform. Your part of town may be doing better or worse than the metro-wide averages.

Give us a call for one of those zip code reports on the area where you live or for the area to which you’d like to move.

Find out if the Force is with you.