Purpose, Prosperity and The Perspective

By Matt Hudson

I’m a personal development coach, a business coach, a weekend warrior psychologist and a behavioral science junky.

I love the idea that you live what you love and create abundance on that journey. The concept of integrating purpose and prosperity. You have a mission for life and what you do is a daily reflection of that personal mission.

“We can have more than we’ve got because we can become more than we are.” —Jim Rohn

Most of us however, don’t have clarity to a mission. We don’t have a purpose defined. We wake up each day wondering what’s next and why? Slightly befuddled. Maybe depressed. At best confused and longing.

And in waiting for purpose … our prosperity suffers.

Our purpose becomes survival. Our purpose becomes the daily grind against fear of the next day.

So you know what…? Get off your ass!

Harsh? … Maybe.

True? … For you to decide. Keep waiting and see if something changes.

Too many people wait. They wait for lightening to strike. They wait for the clouds to part. They wait for the perfectly defined path to happiness, freedom, abundance and peace to magically appear before they take action.

Guess what, IT isn’t found by sitting still. IT isn’t discovered by hoping, or wishing. IT is found on the journey.

IT isn’t about the accomplishment, it’s about the process, the struggle, the perseverance, the resilience within you that you discover along the way and the pride you feel in pushing through adversity.

Climb a mountain and your experienced euphoria isn’t when you get back to the bottom. IT is in the planning, coordinating, hiking, summiting and planning the next one. You get to the top of the mountain and what happens? You sit for 10 minutes, eat a sandwich and say, what’s the next one?

Purpose is discovered through the process of pursuing living prosperously. Live prosperously and you give yourself the choice to discover and live a meaningful life.

As a real estate professional, it is time for you to take action at a much higher level to create prosperity, abundance. Or guess what, your purpose becomes survival and the daily challenge of living with the fear and anxiety with which you wake up on many days.

Will my clients leave me? I need this property to close. Where is my next client coming from? If you commit yourself to living prosperously, those fear-based addictions will no longer hold you back from discovering an empowering purpose.

There is synergy between purpose and prosperity, but purpose is discovered along the journey of living an abundant life.

Not waiting for IT to magically appear.

Matt Hudson is a performance and business coach, founder and CEO of Colorado Home Realty and a passionate champion for excellence in the real estate industry.


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