It seems as though it was just yesterday that we were ringing in the New Year, and now we are officially in the second month of 2022!

With how quickly the days and months slip by, we can often get lost in the details, or the whirlwind of a transaction, sometimes losing focus on the human side of the transaction.


Buying and selling property is one of the most detailed and potentially emotional investments that our clients take part in. As such, they search for an agent to partner with who understands the uniqueness of their situation while they walk the buying and selling journey. Above and beyond the importance of the technical aspect of each transaction, though, is partnering with someone who understands the human side of the process.

Real estate transactions are much more than the transaction itself. There are emotions involved with each purchase and sale. Every home has a story to tell and every owner has connections and emotions associated with that story.

As real estate professionals, it is critical to never forget the people we work with. Without focusing on the HUMAN aspect of each transaction, the buying and selling process simply becomes another box to be checked.

One of the most incredible things that that you can do as an agent, which will also make you stand apart from others in the industry, is to always focus on the human journey, making sure that each and every client knows that you see the person and the heart in each transaction.

Your goal should be to make every purchase and sale that you help your clients with one of the most caring, connecting and genuine real estate transactions that they ever experience!


If you love our content and are a full time real estate professional who is dedicated to incredible experiences for your client, we’d love to chat.