Many real estate companies try to out bid each other on marketing. They tout their 89-point marketing plan or 117-point marketing plan or 2,533-point marketing plan. It seems to be driven by a “more is better” philosophy. It gets kind of silly.

The marketing plan we’ve adopted at CHR is different. Rather than just do a bunch of stuff without any rationale behind it, we’ve built a marketing plan around the latest research on how buyers find houses. Knowing how buyers find homes allows us to have an efficient, effective and targeted marketing plan.

It turns out that 97% of buyers first learn about the house they buy from one of four sources: (1) Their agent, (2) An internet search, (3) The yard sign or (4) Word of mouth — someone they know tells them about the house. So, all our marketing efforts are directed at maximizing the exposure of your home in these four information channels.

As a result of this different approach, every CHR agent can tell you not only what we will do to market your home but also why we do it. Every item on our marketing plan is there for a specific reason and not just because it is stereotypical for the industry.


You wanna’ be surprised by some traditional marketing methods that don’t make the list of effective home marketing? Give us a call.



Innovation Series-Thinking Outside the Trapezoid



Now Reading Part 2: Marketing Mayhem


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Intro: Thinking Outside the Trapezoid
Because “thinking outside the box” is too conventional for the innovation we value.

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Part 1: Home Pricing Nonsense



It turns out that the dangers of over pricing your home are largely a myth.


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Part 3: The No-Cost Refinance Gambit
How a no-cost refinance can cost you thousands of dollars more in the long run.

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Part 4: Short-Circuited Promotion ?



Selling to a friend may put less money in your pocket than selling your house to a stranger.




