See yourself living in abundance and you will attract it. It always works, it works every time with every person. – Bob Proctor: American author

Truth is, we don’t know for sure.  We don’t know we will attract good stuff in our lives if that is what we focus on, if that is in fact what we choose to “see.”  But, what is the alternative?

Here’s the deal:



    • It’s easy to be negative.


    • It’s easy to see the glass as half empty.


    • It’s easy to be a victim and blame others for our circumstances, whatever they may be.


    Many people spend the majority of their lives blaming others for their situation.  Maybe justifiably so, but that doesn’t change the circumstance and blame doesn’t create a solution or cause action.

    Tom Hanks character in the movie A League of Their Own, Jimmy Dugan was a former professional baseball player who had immense talent and he threw it away. Along the journey of coaching the women’s baseball team, he learned some powerful life lessons that allowed him to rediscover his passion for the game and some gifts he still had to  give.

    In this scene, his star player Dottie Hinson, played by Geena Davis, was about to walk about.   She wanted to leave, go home, they had been on the road for too long and she was doing so without saying good bye until caught in the parking lot.






    Jimmy Dugan: Taking a little day trip?
    Dottie Hinson: No, Bob and I are driving home. To Oregon.
    Jimmy Dugan: [long pause] You know, I really thought you were a ballplayer.
    Dottie Hinson: Well, you were wrong.
    Jimmy Dugan: Was I?
    Dottie Hinson: Yeah. It is only a game, Jimmy. It’s only a game, and, and, I don’t need this. I have Bob; I don’t need this. At all.
    Jimmy Dugan: I, I gave away five years at the end my career, drinking. Five years. And now there isn’t anything I wouldn’t give to get back any one day of it.
    Dottie Hinson: Well, we’re different.
    Jimmy Dugan: This is chickenshit, Dottie, if you want to go back to Oregon and make a hundred babies, great, I’m in no position to tell anyone how to live. But sneaking out like this, quitting, you’ll regret it for the rest of your life. Baseball is what gets inside you. It’s what lights you up, you can’t deny that.
    Dottie Hinson: It just got too hard.
    Jimmy Dugan: It’s supposed to be hard. If it wasn’t hard, everyone would do it. The hard… is what makes it great.

    Living a victim is easy, anyone can do that, it’s the same as quitting, and a lot of people “walk out” on themselves every day.

    Believing in abundance, visualizing abundance, seeing you and those you care about being abundant is hard, but “the hard is what makes it great.

    Give yourself the gift of just a couple minutes, every now and then to see the future you are choosing to manifest and maybe, just maybe you can leave that victim behind.