One of the mistakes people make when creating a good habit is going too big, too soon.

I make this mistake ALL THE TIME.

As you think about changes you want in 2022, you will have more success breaking your big dreams down into simple, small actions. One step at a time climbs the mountain.


Think of any new habit for 2022 like brushing your teeth. You don’t win the year by brushing for 8 straight hours on January 1. In fact, you’ll cause harm.

You win the year by brushing consistently each day. Even if you miss a day or brush quickly. Your goal is consistency.

When exercising, you can aim for duration, intensity, or consistency. Like brushing your teeth for 8 hours, many start off the year far too intensely. With exercise, always choose consistency. Doing a small, repeatable exercise every day. Duration and intensity will follow over time. But early on, don’t try to complete the longest or the hardest workout. Set a goal of doing whatever workout you will do tomorrow and the next day and the day after that.

Keep it short. Until you begin to build a habit, keep your routine to something that feels easy. If this principle is true, why wouldn’t we do that in every aspect of our lives?


You want something different in your business this year. Keep your new habits achievable such that they don’t feel herculean each day:

  • More consistent business development. Make 3 calls each day. It feels ridiculous to build a habit starting so small, but at the end of the year, you will have made close to 1,000 calls. That’s likely WAY more than last year. And 3 calls each day is unquestionably achievable.
  • Deliver a better client experience. Decide on one way that will occur rather than making wholesale change. Maybe you are simply calling each active and under contract client every day.

Building habits using this strategy is applicable to every area of our lives. Love, spirit, health, business, friends.

Remember, “the win” is coming back and repeating your routine the next day.

What is the most important habit for you to implement in your life?

Do that one thing starting today. Then do it again tomorrow. Pretty soon, you’ll start to see you have greater capacity than you ever imagined.


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