Gross Commissionable Income (GCI) and closed transactions are two metrics we often refer to as real estate agents when measuring our success/performance.

What we often forget to acknowledge, however, are the goals we should be setting for ourselves that are not as easily measured as financial goals. Goals like setting better expectations for your clients, or putting yourself in a position to hire an additional resource for support, though subjective, are equally important when it comes to running a business that compliments the life you want to live.

GCI and transactions are lag indicators, meaning they are the measurable results from the activities are you completing. The next time you are setting goals for yourself, think about how you can go about completing your activities in an improved way, and set goals for that as well. If you’re setting better expectations for you clients, for example, you will be deepening your relationships by building trust which will, in-turn, help you to increase your financial goals.

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