Want to know the most powerful thing you can do to make 2020 an amazingly profitable year?


Instead, create a plan around an annual or semi-annual assessment for each client regarding the wealth created through real estate holdings; providing guidance or resources for your clients based on information gathered and their personal needs. 

This is about guiding people to living the best they can with the real estate holdings they have.  

Their decision to buy or sell and use you will come as a result of the great information you share, asking nothing in return.


  • Because this is the evolution of our craft.  
  • Change in the industry. The demands of consumers.  
  • We don’t sell real estate any longer. We are advocates. We advise people. But we must do so, proactively.  
  • Become the non-negotiable, “go-to” for your database/sphere and eliminate the competition.  
  • Because consumers deserve more than what traditional real estate agents and the industry have given them.


How Often: A+ clients: two times per year.  A’s and B’s once a year. 

How Many People: At least 50, ideally build to 100.

How to Make It Happen /Phases:

  1. Assess the value of real estate holdings (CMA)
  2. Send a physical copy or an email to your clients *See “email template” below
  3. Follow up with a phone call *See “phone script” below
  4. Schedule, as appropriate, a more in-depth discussion with members of your database for over the phone (be aware of their desire to meet face to face)
    1. Ask questions to help them explore their needs, or send to them so they can work through themselves.  
    2. This is about consulting and delivering value, not converting or prospecting.  
    3. Focus on how you can serve your client and opportunities will arise.
  5. Be prepared for follow up action from the in-depth discussion. Act quickly and in detail. Demonstrate your commitment to professionalism and excellence.