An effective property listing presentation can be the make or break when it comes to scoring a property listing and earning the trust of your seller. If you’re not completely prepared to answer the questions your potential seller will have, or you have not spent a good amount of time researching, preparing, and practicing, the seller will either list with someone else, or, if they still choose to list with you, will get the relationship off to a less than desirable start. The following is a list of 5 things to always consider when you’re going into any listing presentation: 


Before you can knock the socks off of your potential client with a listing presentation, you need to actually get the opportunity to DO a listing presentation. The more swings you have at bat, the greater the chances you will land a listing that could have a significant impact on your financial earnings. Make sure that you are nurturing your sphere of influence, and in doing so, don’t be afraid to ask for referrals! Making sure to properly market your current property listings online can also be a great way for you to increase your exposure as an agent.  


It’s important that you gather as much information from your potential client prior to the actual listing presentation appointment. By knowing the client’s goals, motivations for moving, and specifications in terms of what they are looking to gain from the transaction, this will allow you to tailor your presentation accordingly, and make it that much more valuable! Including specific details that pertain to the client in your presentation is a great way to show them that you’re listening to them, and that your #1 priority is making sure that you help them accomplish their goals. 


Though it’s virtually impossible to know every potential question that a client could ask you during your meeting, the last thing you want is to be thrown off guard. This can immediately plant seeds of doubt that you’re the right person for the job, especially when dealing with matters that concern their financial future. People also want to make sure that your motivation for working with them is not based solely on a commission, and that you are taking into consideration their unique needs. Things you will want to get very comfortable with before your appointment include (but are not limited to):

  1. Client(s) goals and motivations for selling
  2. What exactly it would take for the client to feel like the sale/transaction was a success 
  3. Client(s) personal details (i.e. where they work, where their kids go to school, etc.) This will help you tailor the presentation to them and could also help solidify your role in finding them their new home! 


This should go without saying but, unfortunately, it needs to be said. The more familiar you are with what you’re going to be presenting, the more comfortable you’re going to be with presenting it, and it will undoubtedly come across in your meeting. By being relaxed and confident, this will hopefully cause your potential client to be more relaxed, and in-turn,  confident that you know exactly what you’re talking about. According to, the minimum number of times that you should be practicing your full presentation is 10.


Once you’ve become familiar with the intimate details of what your potential client is looking for in selling their home, it’s time to take that information and put it to work! Make sure that you have all the facts in terms of comps, and present the data to them in the most unbiased way possible, sticking straight to the facts! Other useful information to have, in addition to comps, would be the most recent average time on market, number of transactions that have closed in that area in the last few months, current inventory, and how all of these stats compare other close surrounding areas. Additionally, you should be prepared to give them your expert opinion on what it will take to get their home sold in the quickest amount of time that also yields the highest profit, and make sure you’re presenting the resources that could potentially assist with this (staging, property promotion, virtual tours, etc). 

For additional tips for leveling up and/or growing your business, contact us by giving us a call or filling out a form. We’re happy to help!