In part 1 of this 3 part video series for creating a GREAT business plan, you determined what exactly the life you want to live looks like.

Part 2 introduced the concept of utilizing leverage in order to discern which activities you should and should not be allocating your time toward, in order to focus on the ones that are going to deliver the most value.

In the final part if this video series, it’s time to start determining what the activities are that you’re committed to completing on a daily/weekly/monthly basis that are going to deliver the most value to your clients. While doing so, it’s extremely important that you only choose activities that you know you will actually engage in. If you know that you will never sit down to write personalized holiday cards for everyone in your sphere, for example, don’t select it as an activity.

What is right for you, may not be right for everyone. By continuing to be yourself, you will not only be more likely to complete these activities, but you will add more value to your client relationships because you’re being your authentic self. Keep in mind the 3 fundamentals of creating a great business plan:

  1. Engagement with your sphere
  2. Delivery of value over an extended period of time (especially when there’s no transaction on the line)
  3. Demonstration of expertise

Here is a link to download our Activity Pick List in order to get you started!

If you love our content and are a full time real estate professional who is dedicated to incredible experiences for your client, we’d love to chat.